

Advances and setbacks of sexual and reproductive rights, Centre de Colloques( Campus Condorcet, Aubervilliers)

International and multidisciplinary conference on Parental separation and family recomposition, July 1,2, 2024, Campus Condorcet, Aubervilliers


Seminar "Populations and environment", Thursday 9 February 2023, in Sauvy room( Ined)



International Seminar "Population-environment-health: connecting pixels" and Hands-on data analysis workshop, 6th July 2022,  at Ined and online

Growing research on the nexus of Population-Environment-Health is developing alongside the accessibility of a wealth of data: demographic and health data stemming from population censuses, surveys and administrative records, and spatial data derived from more and more frequent and finely resolved satellite images. But how these data are analysed together, when they are of different nature and have different spatial and temporal scales? This event brings together a seminar with exclusive talks on these questions and a hands-on training to link health and climate data.


International conference "Giving birth during a Covid pandemic 19", 8th June 2022, Centres des Colloques, Campus Condorcet(Aubervilliers)

The Covid-19 pandemic forced the reorganization of care, including in maternity hospitals. In France, the pandemic has reemerged the controversies on obstetrical violence with the denunciation of two practices observed during delivery in some institutions: the imposition of the wearing of masks and the refusal to allow patients to be accompanied. 

This conference concludes the ANR project "Giving birth in times of pandemic: weaknesses and resiliencies of maternity hospitals in France". It aims to present the results of this research, which was conducted in Ile-de-France and Reunion among caregivers∙es and women who gave birth during the pandemic. It will also be an opportunity to discover and discuss other studies conducted on the subject in France, but also in Germany, Mexico and more broadly in Europe, Latin America and Africa.


 Workshop "Sexual and reproductive health in the face of crises: international perspectives", 14 th June, salle 0 033 Bâtiment Sud, Campus Condorcet( Aubervilliers)


Conférence Internationale sur les couples de même sexe, les 25 et 26 novembre 2021, Centre des colloques du Campus Condorcet (Aubervilliers, France)

Violences fémi(ni)cides, lundi 15 mars 2021 par visio-conférence




"Crise des migrants" : décentrer le regard. Le 18 mars 2016 (Pôle PI/UR3)

The challenges of demographic data in Sub-Saharan Africa in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Le 31 mai 2016 (DEMOSTAF/Pôle PI/IUSSP/UR DEMOSUD)

Journées dédiées aux comparaisons internationales. Atelier le 29 septembre et journée scientifique le 30 septembre 2016 (Pôle PI)

Surrogacy: situating france within the world – representations, regulations, and experiences. Paris, November 17-18, 2016 (UR3/Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne/Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas/EHESS/Pôle PI/ Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle)


Comment progresse l’accès à l’avortement dans des contextes restrictifs : Perspectives historiques et internationales. Le 8 décembre 2015 (Pôle Suds/Ceped/Unige)

Dynamiques démographiques, politiques sociales et relations entre générations. Le 29 et 30 septembre 2015 (UR6/Pôle Suds/IPOPs)

Enjeux, usages et débats politiques autour des données démographiques : perspectives internationales. Le 11 juin 2015 (Pôle Suds/Ceped/IFG-Université Paris 8)

Prise en charge des femmes excisées, 1ère concertation internationale. Le 27 et 28 janvier 2015 (colloque organisé conjointement par l'IDUP-Université Paris-1 et le CADIS (EHESS-CNRS, Paris) avec la collaboration de partenaires dont Pôle Suds)



Vieillir dans les pays du Sud. 12 décembre 2013 (Pôle Suds/Pôle Vieillesses et vieillissements/ CEPED)

 Épistémologie des recherches sur les migrations : Perspectives arabes et africaines. 24 octobre 2013 ( Pôle Suds/Ceped )

Analyses longitudinales : Démarches, outils, expériences. 21 mars 2013